Its hard to type when you have a monster baby mauling your computer

Posted by Beth , Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:12 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 11, 12, 13! That is what Tyler just shouted as I started this, I thought it was cute so figured I'd throw it in there.

My sincerest apologies for not writing another post yesterday! I'm sure a lot of people have hurt feelings. I was enjoying the company of some of my favorite people on this earth! (Besides the obvious, Jon & boys... those people would be Dickie, Ahginner, and Emerleee! If you don't know what that means, I guess you're just not meant to haha) We watched "You Don't Know Jack" with Mr. Pacino, and Susan Sarandon. I thought it was a pretty good movie, has anyone else seen it? Thoughts? I'd share my thoughts about Mr. Kevorkian with you, but I'm not sure they would all be well received. Let's start a debate. I love a good debate. You start, and I'll join. :)

Anyway, I cleaned my house today...with the help of my awesome husband. We took back control of this place. I'm pretty proud. I'm not a fan of clutter or junk... or chips and crackers ground into the carpet. I don't enjoy having chunks of things stuck to my feet whilst walking around. I enjoy a clean floor... I don't want to meet the person who doesn't...

Mason learned a new trick today. I'm real psyched for this one... he can climb up onto the couch. It's pretty amazing. Now I can't hide things in the couch anymore... things like remotes, cell phones, snacks that I don't want to share...Why do kids have to learn new things? Don't they realize what affect it has on other people? They should really try to be more considerate. :)
It is so funny though to watch them learn new things. Some of the stuff is just so amazing, like learning new words and learning to feed themselves, and then other things are just not quite as amazing... like when they learn to climb the gate that is supposed to keep them from going into the kitchen, scale the drawers so they can sit on the counter and get into all the cupboards, and they do this all while being completely naked. (Yes, think about that next time you eat at my house!!) Those moments of learning are not quite as precious. Those are the moments of learning that require clorox bleach...

I hope I don't bore anyone by talking about my kids. I know some people just can't relate to a life with children...but they are my life, so I guess it only makes sense that I would talk about them. Like right now, July 18th, and Tyler is decked out in Christmas pajamas. I guess he is buying into the whole Christmas in July phenomenon... I definitely think that gimmick has been played out. We need to give up on the whole concept. I tweeted about that they other day because it had really been griding my gears. And now I guess I just need to know, does anyone even buy into it? I know that I've never run out to a store because they were having killer Christmas in July sale. So I guess I say to the world of retail (or actually maybe just jewelers), give it up. And although I do not support Christmas in July sales, I do support a nice set of Christmas jammies in July.

How can you NOT like Christmas jams when they are on someone so cute?!

Arg, my computer is going to die. I have zeeero energy to walk into the other room and get my charger. I should probably just end this post anyway, my kids are pushing a cooler around the living room and I just feel like a mess is in the very near future... a mess, and bedtime. Yay. Maybe I'll write after they go to bed. Hope I didn't bore you too badly! :) Write soon!

Oh yes, and start a debate. I want to find a debate in the comments when I get back on later!

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