I Love You, Beth Cooper

Posted by Beth , Friday, July 16, 2010 7:37 PM

Here it is, the first blog entry. I'm kind of excited to start this up, I always have so much I want to say about everything, and this seems like a pretty good way to do that. Okay, here goes!

I'm watching the movie, I Love You, Beth Cooper. I'm not really sure why I'm watching it. It's pretty stupid. I wish I had the power to magically turn it into I Love You, Man...I could watch that movie over and over again for the rest of time. I love to laugh. I'm pretty sure that is the problem with this movie, it's making me yawn. Not laugh. But I'm too lazy to reach my hand to the right, 8 inches, and get the remote. So, I'll continue watching.

Since this is my first blog, I might as well introduce myself a little bit, for anyone reading that doesn't already know me. IF anyone is reading this....I hope at least one person reads this. I guess I'll find out eventually.

I'm Beth. I was going to tell you my age but I need to take a second to remember what it is. It's pathetic that you even have to think of that before you hit the age of 60... let me do some quick math, I'll let you know what my number is. Okay, I'm 24, but my birthday is in September, so soon I will be the big 2-5. Life goes by so fast. And it goes by even faster when you have kids. I have two. Two sons, Tyler, who is going to be 3 on July 31st, and Mason, who just turned 1 on June 15th. I don't know where the time goes. It seems like they were just little babies, and now they seem all grown up to me. Well, as grown up as a 1 & 3 year old can seem. They make me laugh every day, having them in my life makes everything better. Except for when I want to take a nap, they don't like to let me nap.

It's so boring to write about myself and my life this way! This is not how I want to write in the future. So if you're still awake and reading, please know that my entries will NOT all be like this. Or even close.

Back to my general information...

I'm married to my best friend Jonathan. We have been together for 4 1/2 years. I love him, and can't imagine my world without him. He is an amazing father and husband. I love my parents. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I also have a step sister and step brother as well. I love spring and summer. Fall is okay. Hate winter. I don't smoke or drink. Well, every now and again I'll have a drink, but I couldn't tell you the last time I was even slightly buzzed. I have a spasm in my leg right now that is making my laptop move around. I love shopping. My bank account does not love my shopping. Nor does my husband. I like just about every kind of music there is. Evidently I am a liar too, because that is just NOT true... I don't like opera, I don't like polka, death metal, punk/screaming, or gospel/church music, I don't like old country music... it might just be easier to say what I do like actually. Or I could let you figure it out. I'm going to let you figure it out. I like watching tv, probably more than I should. I really enjoy a nice afternoon nap, when the kiddos will allow. I dabble in the art of guitar. I like movies, as long as they aren't horror movies. Not a fan of gore. I'm sort of judgmental, I'm not rude, but I tend to make fun a lot. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, and might say something offensive, but I probably don't mean it. I enjoy when people can tolerate being made fun of, and people who understand the concept of sarcasm. I guess the better way to put it is that I like people who can laugh at themselves...and who can KEEP laughing when everyone else starts laughing at them as well. I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open now, it's 11:15pm. This should give you an idea of how wild I am. I wish I had gone to bed about 3 hours ago, that would have been so wonderful. Alright, a few more and then I'll save the rest for the next posts. I looove getting kisses and hugs from my little guys. Their smiles light up my world. Their whines and fusses darken it just slightly. :) I can't hardly remember life before them, I was a totally different person. Having children changes you so much, they help you to realize what the point of living is. They help you to remember to not take yourself or anything else in life too seriously, and that there is ALWAYS room for a laugh. I love every second of watching them learn and grow as little people. Kids are why we are put on this earth. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do with my life as soon as I had Tyler. Now, that's not to say that I can't still become all rich and famous and be a HUGE star at the same time. If I had to guess I would say I'll be a world famous singer, or the next Oprah. My money is on Oprah. I might need some encouragement though. I'm sure Oprah gets up really early in the morning, I'm not very good at that. I'll need to start working on that soon. Not tomorrow though, I just feel like the boys are going to want me to sleep in, and I wouldn't want to disappoint them in any way. I'm a very dedicated mother like that! Anything for my kids!! :)

And there you have it. Well, there you have a tiny little fraction of 'it'. I'll do my best to write in this every day and as I do you will get to know more and more about the wonder that is Bethanie Farr. I'm warning you, it's pretty intense...

Goodnight to all of my hypothetical readers!

2 Response to "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

Anonymous Says:

LOL! You are such a sweetie Beth! I look forward to your future posts ~ written in this manner or any other manner you like. You have a way with words that did anything but make me fall asleep. :D

~Kristi Whitten

Anonymous Says:

I like your blog Beth. One question, why do you declare your love for Jon in small lettering and then jump your love to other things to a bigger font? Interesting thought to think about.......

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