Hi my dear Saturday.

Posted by Beth , Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:45 AM

It seems like forever since I've seen you weekend, my dear friend. Well, its been about a week. It was a long week though. It was a long, birthday party, camping, swimming, fussy child, and random weather filled week, but alas, we meet again. Last night I had such great hopes of sleeping in this morning, unfortunately the boys, and Jon, had other plans! Instead we were up early and decided to drive to Hallowell for the parade. It was decent. It was a parade in Maine, it was good as far as they go. The boys loved it, Tyler got lucky because we ended up next to these really nice kids that shared all the candy and stuff that they got. He was pretty pumped about that. I will be making sure to brush his teeth really well tonight!

I am sitting in the exam chair at the docs office as I write this. The room is nice and cool, a welcome break from the 91 degree weather outside! I secretly love the heat though...guess its no longer a secret.

Oops, here comes the doc, gotta go. Sorry for the choppy, incomplete post, will write later...promise. xo.

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